Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (2025)

Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (1)

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Learn more about the updated live stream experience.


  • You can only start and stop a live stream through the computer.
  • If you're unable to live stream, make sure your admin has enabled the feature. Learn more about host controls.
  • Viewers who join through the Livestream link can view chat messages from in-meeting participants. They can't send chat messages.

This article only applies to meeting hosts and participants who join through the meeting link. For the viewer experience, go toView a Live stream.

Learn which Google Workspace editions can live stream

In-house and Cross Domain live streaming is available with these Google Workspace Editions:

  • Enterprise Starter
  • Enterprise Plus
  • Enterprise Standard
  • Education Plus: This is available to users with a "Staff" or "Student" license.
  • Teaching and Learning Upgrade: This is available to users with a “Teaching and Learning Upgrade” license.

Compare Google Workspace editionsor Learn about your available Meet features.

If live streaming is enabled for your work or school account, you can let people in your organization watch your video meetings.With Cross Domain live streaming, admins can also allow up to 50 different Trusted Workspace sub-domains to join their live streams. The maximum number of live stream viewers depends on your Google Workspace edition.

Tip: If you’re a Google Workspace administrator who manages Google Meet for your organization, first allow live streaming or set up Cross Domain live streaming.

Who can view a live stream

Only guests in your organization can watch live streams. If your admin turns on Cross Domain live streaming, then guests in your organization and in Trusted Workspace domains can watch.

  • On the computer, all meeting participants in your organization can stop and start the stream during the meeting, and record the event.
  • Guests who watch through the live stream link can’t control streaming and recording. Learn more at View a Live stream.

Tip: Live stream organizers will see a viewer count at the top of their screen. The live stream counter will show every new viewer until the first 100 users. After 100 users, it will round to the nearest 5.

Supported Meet browsers

You can use these browsers to view live stream meetings:

  • Chrome Browser
  • Microsoft® Edge®
  • Mozilla® Firefox®
  • Opera®
  • Apple® Safari®

What you can share through live stream with Meet

  • Real-time employee and staff training
  • Academic information with students
  • Conference materials that can’t be shared in person
  • Organization-wide presentations with multiple presenters
  • Guests may be designated as view-only

Set up a live stream with Google Meet

  1. In a meeting, at the bottom right, click Activities Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (2) Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (3) Live Streaming Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (4) Stream internally.

Tip: The live stream is only accessible to guests within your organization. Reach out to your Workspace Admins to set up Cross Domain live streaming.

  1. In the menu, select the language for captions.
  2. Click Start Streaming.
  3. Share the live stream through a Copy streaming link.

Tip: If you share the meeting code or URL, the user joins as a participant.

Set up a live stream with Google Calendar

Google Meet: Livestream a meeting

Part 1: Create a live stream event

  1. Open Google Calendar.
  2. ClickLive stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (5)CreateLive stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (6)EventLive stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (7)More options.
  3. Add the event details, such as date, time, and description.
  4. Add the gueststhat can fully participate in the video meeting.
    • All guests added to this event can be seen, heard, and present their screen.
    • People from other organizations and trusted domains can be added. Only people in your organization can record and control streaming.
  5. Next to Join with GoogleMeet, click the Down arrowLive stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (8)Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (9)Add live stream.
  6. Click Add live stream again to confirm.
  7. Click SaveLive stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (10)Send.
    Note: Streaming does not automatically start. During the meeting, at the bottom right, clickLive stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (11), click Live StreamingLive stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (12)Start streaming.

Part 2: Create an additional event for view-only guests

To invite specific people to the view-only live stream, create a view-only event. The event is added to their Calendar and includes the link for view-only guests.

People invited to this view-only event are not seen or heard in the meeting, and can’t present, record, or control streaming.

Tip: If invited, view-only guests can join live streams even if their accounts don't support live streaming or their organizations have live streaming turned off.

  1. Open Google Calendar.
  2. Click the live stream event you created Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (13) Edit Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (14).
  3. At the top, click More actions Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (15) Create view-only event.
  4. Add guests or rooms for view-only access, and other details such as a description.
    1. To allow guests to join from their own Google Meet hardware rooms, make sure guests have the permissions to modify events.
  5. Click Save Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (16) Send.

Remove a live stream from a Google Calendar Event

  1. Open Google Calendar.
  2. Click the live stream event Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (17)EditLive stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (18).
  3. Next to Join with Google Meet, click the Down arrowLive stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (19)Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (20)Remove live stream.
  4. Click Save.

Tip: The meeting link changes when you add or remove live streaming. Be sure to share the updated link with your guests.

Start and stop a live stream

If allowed by anadministrator, any participant in the same organization as the meeting organizer can start or stop the live stream.Live streams automatically stop after 8 hours since live streams have an 8 hour time limit.

You can start or stop a live stream if:

  • You’re the organizer
  • You’re in the same organization as the organizer
  • An administrator allows you in the live stream
  • You join as a full participant

A view-only guest can only view and can’t control the live stream.

  1. Open Google Calendar and join the video meeting.
  2. Select MoreLive stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (21)Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (22)Start streaming.
  3. Confirm that you want to start streaming. When streaming is on, at the top left, “Live” is indicated. View-only guests can now watch the meeting using the stream URL.
  4. Select MoreLive stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (23)Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (24)Stop streaming.
  5. Confirm that you want to stop streaming.

Record a live stream event

Full participants from the same organization as the meeting organizer can record the live stream so people can watch the event after the meeting ends. Live stream events are not automatically recorded, so you must manually start and stop recording. Learn how to Record a video meeting.

Guests who join view-only cannot control recording.

Add captions to your live stream

To use captions for your live stream event, meeting participants should first turn on live stream captions from the main meeting. Live stream captions will appear in the same language as is set in the meeting and are available in English, German, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

For meeting participants:

  1. Join a meeting with live streaming turned on.
  2. At the bottom right, click Activities Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (25) Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (26) Live Streaming.
  3. Select the language for captions from the menu Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (27) click Start Streaming.

Conduct a poll or Q&A in your live stream

Important: Hosts can disable Q&A for live stream participants from their computer.

When you create a Q&A or poll in a live stream, it's automatically available to both meeting participants and live stream participants.

  • Learn how to conduct a poll in a Google Meet meeting

View your live stream report

After a live stream, the meeting organizer receives an email with a Google Sheets report. Learn how to view your live stream report.

Related resources

  • Troubleshoot issues with live streaming
  • View a Live stream
  • Use hardware to live stream video meetings
  • Hold large remote events - Google Workspace Learning Center
  • Tips for video meetings - Google Workspace Learning Center

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Get the new Meet app in the play store or app store

Google Meet is your one app for video calling and meetings across all devices. Use video calling features like fun filters and effects or schedule time to connect when everyone can join.

Live stream a video meeting for hosts - Computer (2025)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.